RAG Chair Candidates

Josh White


J white

I would like to become the RAG Chairman for the academic year of 2024/2025. Below is my manifesto of what I would like to get done during my time as Chairman.

  • Build off last years success under George Murphy
  • Work with the wider SU to encourage higher participation in RAG events
  • Better communication with the university to ensure a successful achievement of a large amount of money raised during RAG week.
  • Expand RAG to beyond a week in order to raise money through different styles of events.
  • Encourage students to have their say in RAG to ensure a fun week for all.

Thank you for considering me as a candidate. I have more ideas for what I would like to do and think I am the right person for the job as I am outgoing and am willing to put every bit of effort and determination that is required to do a good job. This is one of the most important events of the year for the university and for the students in giving them a morale boost and something to look forward to. At the end of my time if selected for the job I would want to be able to say that I definitely did an outstanding job.