RAG Secretary Candidates

George Murphy


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George Murphy – RAG Secretary – 2024/2025 nominations

  1. Build off last year’s success.

As we all saw this year Rag 2024 was overall a very good event even though some of the events had to be changed due to requests from the police, however this did not deter the Rag team from cracking on and making a good event for all. For the coming year I would like to help the incoming Rag chair to make next year’s events bigger and better to continue the legacy of rag.

  1. Better communications with RAG events.

Due to the undertaking of such a big event in 2024 with new changes put in place some of the events were not push as hard as others meaning that they were not as big as they could have been. This year I wish to change this by getting the message out faster and more effectively using all means available to the SU and the RAG teams.

  1. Open it to you.

One of the main aspects I want to work on as the RAG sec would be to expand the event ideas to you the students, this in part is due to the fact it is your week as much as anyone else’s and it is your money you are donating to charity so I see it as only fair to ensure that you have your say to get the events you want.

  1. Work with the RAG Chair to guide and support.

Due to being the RAG Chair for 2023/24 I have a unique insight into the new way RAG works but also of how it used to be run such as in 2023 and this puts in in a position to help the RAG chair work towards their goals to make sure RAG goes off just as well as it has done in previous years.

  1. Open the RAG team up for wider fundraising events.

This will allow the SU to continue to raise money for other good causes. This will allow us the student body to raise more money for both the other charities and any other charities that the students see fit or want support with.